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Best countries in the world for expats

by ExpatInfo
30 Sep 2018

Want to move overseas but not sure where you should start your journey? Or perhaps you are already a wizened expat and you are seeking your next adventure?

Every year, global bank HSBC collects data from almost 30,000 clients living overseas. Asking questions relating to economics, experiences and family, this survey forms one of the most comprehensive collections of data on expat living. Based on HSBC´s findings from 2017, ExpatInfo lists the top 10 countries for expats in terms of overall happiness and cultural satisfaction. Read on, maybe you will find your new destination.

  1. United Arab Emirates

If you want to find a place to do business, this might just be the destination for you. Fiftysix percent of expats moved here to improve their earnings, and as many as 75% say they earn more in the UAE than in their home country. Only 6% of expats are unemployed and it is a consistently higher income than for other expats globally. The government of UAE is also talking about allowing foreigners to fully own their own businesses in Abu Dhabi or Dubai. The UAE also offers plenty of exciting places and activities to experience and see, you’ll never be bored.

  1. Austria

With no shortage of mountains, lakes and green scenery: Austria. This culture rich country scores high on safety and economic confidence, and particularly high in work-life balance and quality of life. Austria has an efficient infrastructure and it’s easy to get around to explore. The cost of living is one of the highest in Europe, but this might not be a problem if your main goal is security and quality of life. In Austria it’s wise to learn the language quickly, as this will make it easier to integrate with the locals.  With plenty of snow in the winter and musical events all year around, you will always have things to do.

  1. Sweden

Although Sweden has the biggest population in Scandinavia, they have exceptionally high living standards. Family life in Sweden is ranked number two in the world, thanks to great health, quality of life and a high standard of childcare. Sweden also scores high on job security and work-life balance. Swedish people are typically more reserved, and even though the majority of people speak English, it will be a huge plus to learn the language. Sweden is an expensive country to live in, so if you plan on living there long term, it´s financially better to buy a home than to rent and doing your research will generally help you to better budget your cash.

  1. Australia

Australia scores high on integration, finance, health and quality of life. With amazing weather, countless beaches and cultural diversity, this is a popular destination for expats. But, one of the cons of moving here is that you’re most likely extremely far away from friends and family.

Looking at finances, Australian cities are very expensive ($5 for a small bottle of water is not uncommon). However, Australia has spectacular nature and the population is relatively small compared to the amount of land, so there are plenty of mountains, beaches and other areas to explore if you’re the outdoors type.

  1. Canada

The country of maple syrup might just be as sweet to move to as its most famous product. Canada is ranked highest in the world for tolerance and number three for integration, and the number of happy expats in this country is also huge. However, getting a work permit can be tricky, but as soon as this is in order it’s time to enjoy everything the country has to offer.

Canada has a lower cost of living, a great healthcare system and a free education system which is ranked highly. Aside from the friendly people and good infrastructure, Canada is a beautiful place to explore the outdoors.

  1. Netherlands

If family is high in your agenda, take a look at the Netherlands which ranks at the top of the list in the family category and is number 1 for schools, ideal for young families. The Dutch are particularly welcoming of foreigners and you can expect a good overall quality of life and excellent job security.

  1. Germany

With rich history and culture, Germany ranks in 4th place overall. The Germans are polite but direct, and it will be wise to learn German if you want to integrate well into the society.

Taxes and cost of living can also be challenging for expats to get to grips with but job security ranks very highly, along with the opportunity to progress in your career.

  1. New Zealand

New Zealand was ranked as the country with overall best experience for expats, with work/life balance also ranking highly. Unfortunately, the cost of living is fairly high in relation to the salaries, with disposable income being lower than other countries. But the open space, friendly culture, healthcare and high quality schooling makes this country a perfect destination for families looking for a new country to settle down in.

  1. Norway

Norway comes in at second place, ranking in first place in the economic and family categories.

Job security and work/life balance also score top marks, making Norway an ideal place to call home for those juggling a career and family life. The healthcare system is also ranked at number 1, though making friends can be a bit tricky.

  1. Singapore

Voted overall the best country in the world for expats, achieving high scores across the board. The quality of healthcare, finance and general safety make Singapore a highly desirable place to be, which could explain why around 40% of the population is made up of expats. But the high quality of life comes at a price, Singapore is one of the most expensive countries in the world. With a thriving economy, surely this is a minor issue.

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